Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Feather Boas: A Glamorous History

Feather Boas: A Glamorous History

Feather boas have long been associated with glamour, luxury, and a touch of extravagance. These delightful accessories have a rich history, with roots that trace back centuries. In this article, we will explore the various types of feather boas, their evolution through time, their cultural significance, and their modern-day uses.

Ancient Origins

The history of feather boas can be traced to ancient civilizations. Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans were among the first to adorn themselves with feathers. Feathers were often seen as symbols of status and wealth, and they were used to create decorative accessories. However, it wasn't until the late 19th century that feather boas as we know them today began to take shape.

The Rise of Feather Boas

Feather boas gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly during the Belle Époque era in France. They were initially made from exotic bird feathers, such as ostrich, peacock, and marabou. These luxurious accessories quickly became a symbol of high fashion and were worn by women of high society.

Varieties of Feather Boas

Feather boas come in various styles and types, depending on the feathers used and their length. Here are some common varieties:

  1. Ostrich Feather Boas: Ostrich feathers, known for their softness and fluffiness, are a popular choice for feather boas. They create a dramatic and glamorous look.

  2. Marabou Feather Boas: Marabou feathers are delicate and fluffy, making them perfect for a soft and ethereal appearance.

  3. Peacock Feather Boas: These boas feature the striking iridescent feathers of peacocks, adding a touch of exotic beauty to any outfit.

  4. Turkey Feather Boas: Turkey feathers are often used to create more affordable boas while still maintaining a vibrant and colorful appearance.

    At we have sold every kind of feather boa imaginable for over 60 years including the aforementioned styles and Biot, Hackle, Nagorie, Pheasant, Burnt Coque, Chandelle, Coque, Saddle, Shlappens, and Swan.

Cultural Significance

Feather boas have been worn by entertainers, burlesque dancers, and Hollywood starlets, further cementing their status as a symbol of glamour. They were a staple accessory during the Roaring Twenties and the Jazz Age, adding a touch of extravagance to flapper fashion.

Modern-Day Uses

Today, feather boas are still used as stylish accessories. They are often seen at costume parties, drag shows, and theatrical performances. Additionally, feather boas have found their way into the world of fashion, with designers incorporating them into runway looks and red carpet attire.

In the world of photography and fashion, feather boas can be used creatively to add flair and drama to portrait sessions. Photographers always appreciate the versatility of feather boas in creating visually stunning images and enhancing their clients' unique style.


Feather boas have a storied history that spans cultures and centuries. From their origins in ancient civilizations to their iconic status in 20th-century fashion, these accessories have remained a symbol of opulence and extravagance. In today's world, feather boas continue to be cherished for their ability to add a touch of glamour and whimsy to various occasions and creative endeavors, including photography and fashion. Whether used as a fashion statement or a theatrical prop, feather boas are a timeless accessory that continues to captivate and enchant.

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