Ok it`s actually pretty easy all you need is a hot glue gun, some card board, a pensile, a small plate and 28 dyed white peacock tail feathers.
Trace a circle in the card board using the plate and the pensile. Cut out the circle bend it in half and cut it so that you have two perfect half circles. Sort the feathers into 14 pairs of equal length feathers, trim them when needed so that they should be the same length. Now lay out the feathers on the card board. The longest pair should be side by side in the center of the half circle and the smallest pair should be one on either end of the half circle. Space the feathers evenly and so the hairs of each feather are over lapping. Once you have all the feathers laid out nice and even put some hot glue on each feather where it is on the card board. Do this fast so that the glue doesn’t dry. When all the feathers have glue on them press the other half circle on top of the feathers and the hot glue. Wait for the glue to dry and then glue the other half circle on so that the feathers are sandwiched in place. Once its dry you can have it put inside your dress.