Monday, July 18, 2011

Make Your Own Peacock Costume Using Real Peacock Feathers

Its seems like a joke of nature that the male peacock is the pretty and colorful one of the peafowl, but I don’t think there are going to be much guys looking to dress up as colorful peacocks. Not that there is anything wrong with it if they do but if you are a guy and you don’t want to wear a dress with your costume then where ever I write dress, for you guys I mean pants.

Ok so you want to dress up as a peacock and you are not interested in buying a already made costume. Good choice from what I know about the standard peacock costumes that are purchased for the most part they are ok but they rarely fit well and require minor alterations and additional stitching to really look good.

Creating an attractive peacock costume on your own is not a difficult task. All you really need to do is put together the correct materials and you can make your own peacock costume easily.

Basic Components of a Peacock Costume

Colorful clothing with peacock plumage

Peacock tail

Peacock mask

Colorful Clothing With Peacock Plumage

What you need is a fitted dress in a blue, teal or purple. Now what you need is to purchase some peacock plumage. Attach the plumage feathers along the bodice of the dress using a simple double or triple stitch; don’t forget to finish the stitch off with a double knot on the inside of the dress. If you want to go all out you can add a gold or silver trim and as much plumage as you would like.

Peacock Tail

All you need make your own peacock tail is some large peacock tail feathers, a plastic fan, a hot glue gun, some 6-gauge craft wire and a belt.

Attach the peacock tail feathers to the fan by putting a line of hot glue on one of the fans plastic supports. Then quickly push the feather into the hot glue. The peacock tail feather should be attached vertically to the plastic support with the bottom of the feather directly above the bottom center of the fan. Do this until you are happy with the fullness and look of your peacock tail and let it dry over night. Now thread the wire through the fan, attach the peacock tail to the belt and you are done.

Peacock Mask

You could buy a peacock mask but if you want to make one yourself here is an easy way to do it. Get a inexpensive black eye mask and use hot glue to attach small peacock feathers above the eyes with the bottom stems of the feathers facing toward the center of your forehead.

Do this all and you still won’t look like a peacock, but you will look good and everyone will get the idea.

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