Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Make a Peacock Centerpiece - Simple and Easy

A peacock centerpiece can be very fun and simple to make. Also a peacock centerpiece, made using the beautiful multi colored peacock tail feathers, is very attractive and eye catching. To create your own peacock center piece all you need are three things.

1- About ten peacock tail feathers

2- Some clean sand or gravel

3- A decorative vase

Now once you have these three things you are ready to put together your peacock centerpiece.

First trim the lower stems of the feathers off to make the peacock feathers the right height for your centerpiece (if needed). The peacock feathers should be at a height where the eye on the feather is anywhere from six to ten inches from the top of the vase when they are standing up in the vase. This all depends on how high you want your peacock centerpiece to be.

Now place about one inch of sand or grave at the bottom of the vase. After the sand is in you can place the peacock tail feathers around the outer edge of the vase standing straight up with the eyes facing out. Space out the feathers so that they are just touching their neighboring feathers. If the size of the jar does not allow for and exact fit space the peacock tail feathers out more as opposed to pushing them together. Push the feathers down into the sand to keep them standing up straight. Now you can have the option of making the peacock centerpiece multi level or not. You can add more sand or gravel so that the inner row of feathers are higher up then the first outer row and that will give the peacock centerpiece more height and two separate levels of eyes. Or you can also space out the first row and then have the inner and outer row of peacock feathers visible.

Whichever you chose the peacock feathers give the centerpiece a wonderful and colorful beauty that will bring life to any space it is placed.

Buy peacock feathers online at www.featherstor.com and create you peacock center piece now

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