Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Feather Anklets

I actually cant believe that I have never written a post about these already!

Or maybe I have but it was so long ago that I cant remember.

But anyway now its summer and that means that it’s the best time of year for anklets. I guess if you live in Miami or well anywhere in south Florida. Yes also southern California or anywhere else where its warm more or less all year round.

Feather anklets and great all year round.

I would say L.A but I lived there for a year and I remember it being cold and rainy in the winter.

Enough about the weather.

These are a great and easy D.I.Y project and also super fun to wear.

I would suggest using smaller feathers so that you don’t wind up dusting the floor where ever you go.

You could go a simple as a few beads and flowers on a piece of leather that turns out perfect.

This one is a tattoo, but it looks so real that I just had to add it.

The next time I get out to the beach I am going to put one together with sea shells and feathers, you should expect to see the pictures. 

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