Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Feather Trim Beach Towels

So once I was surfing the internet for feather swimsuit cover-ups, I was already at the beach with feathers in my brain, so naturally I expanded my feather horizon to the beach towel.

Now I am still getting over the shock of not finding feather pool dresses, or swimsuit cover-ups, but I guess when you are talking about beach towels it makes a bit more sense that you wouldn’t want to have feather trim on a beach towel.

I could imagine that it would be really hard to clean the sand out of those feathers after a day in the sun.

But still look at this picture below, there should be some where that you can get the same thing with a white feather trim.

And now they have these super cool round beach towels, but still no feather trim, why?

Please if any of you take these ideas and make lots of money with them, at least take me out for a drink one day.

Have a great summer everyone.

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