Saturday, January 28, 2017

Bird Woman On Pinterest

Bird Woman On Pinterest

So I came across these pictures on Pinterest while looking for some thing totally different but because they are so beautiful I just had to share them with you.

I am sure that these will help inspire some know ideas about styles and fashion.

And if you are into photography then this post is really for you.

Mystical and enchanting.

Magical and inspiring.

Stunning and sexy.

I don’t know what else I can say about these. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words so I would not want to make this post to long.

Anyway here is the link to the Pinterest page so that you can see it for your self.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Feathers at the Milan Fashion Week

Feathers at the Milan Fashion Week

The Milan fashion week very much sets the pace for the fashion world.

Not to say that it’s the only event or even the most monumental but it is with out a question one of the big ones.

So here are some of the feather high lights from the 2017 Milan fashion week.

And if you stick with me until the end I have one photo that I really liked so decided to share with you all.

We all ready spoke about the PARADA ready to wear line that was presented at the Milan fashion week.

This was the most feather filled show that was seen there.

But even with the last two posts that we wrote here, I still missed these great feather shoes so take a look.

Next up we have these feather outfits from Donup.


Oh an this hat, I dont know who created this one but I think its great.

Will we see a big come back in the world of feather earrings this year? Maybe if they got attention at the Milan fashion week like they did.

This one from Fausto Puglisi is not the real feather style that we love here but even though its just feather print I felt like sharing it with you.

And like I said this is the last photo from the Milan fashion week, and even though it is nothing feather related I really like this style that Gucci put out.

Sunday, January 15, 2017



So I will tell you the truth I still don’t understand what the PARADA group is really all about.

Beside for their awesome feather designs they are really jam packed with surprises.

Fashion, technology and old cars seem to be their strong points of focus but I am sure that there is a lot that I am missing.

Here is a link to their official website you can take a look and I would really love to get a comment or two about this company.

I am not even sure that they are a company, they may just be a group of very wealthy investors with a similar style.

This last picture is their billboard for the PARADA smart phone that was launched in 2011 in cooperation with LG electronics.

I would really love to see a comment if anyone has anything more to say about PARADA.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Feather Fashion Spring 2017

Feather Fashion Spring 2017

So I know it is only January and cold outside.

But today is sunny (at least where I am) and that made me think about the spring.

The feeling of renewal that comes along with knowing that it is about to be summer. It’s a bit of left over nostalgia from the days when summer actually meant vacation and not just for the kids.

But anyhow I guess I am not alone thinking about the spring because there are already a whole line up of spring feather fashion just waiting to be out in the sun.

  So first off we have just a glimpse for you of the PRADA ready to wear line from the Milan Fashion week.

After seeing this I realized that I really need to do an entire separate post on PARADA, but that’s not for today.

Anyway for now just feast your eyes on these stunning designs.

Second up are these beautiful wedding dresses just waiting for that big day.

But for now stay cozy and next to the fire, spring is not here yet.